If you bank with Bank of America, the first weekend of every month, you can get into certain museums for free with your I.D. and debit card. So we thought it would be something cool to do. It’s out of the heat, and has hands on things for kids. The Tellus Museum is about 20 minutes north of us in Cartersville, Ga. It has minerals, fossils, cars, airplanes, space shuttles, and a “big backyard” for hands on activities for the kids.


That’s Jacob and myself, Bradley decided that the truck was a little scary so he opted to stay put in his stroller… Rewind five minutes and Jacob is screaming like that truck was going to turn into a decepticon and gobble him up. Somehow I managed to calm him down enough to get this picture. The truck is actually from Nevada, they used them for gold mining. We then made our way into the museum.

Bling! Bling! Could you imagine if that was a ring? The minerals section of the museum had so many cool things to see, even a meteor that went through a house in Cartersville, this section wasn’t quite as exciting for the kids. But it was pretty awesome to see.

20110605-031813.jpg. Meet Stan, he was found in Georgia, at first Jacob was terrified of the skeletons, but once he warmed up he was all into them. He’s a dork, just like his daddy 🙂

This is our first family photo in awhile, they are hard to get when you don’t have anyone to take the picture 🙂

Jacob in the main gallery, even here he had to be convinced that he wasn’t going to get eaten.
After we saw the minerals and the dinosaurs, we moved on to an area called “The Big Backyard”. Everything is hands on for the kids, and they learn alot from all of the hands on activities.


We left that section and went on the cars, trains, planes, and space shuttles…. Which for me was the most intriguing.


The very first Benz, the plane that the Wright Brothers built, a steam engine, even that hideous GM electric car that was piloted then recalled in CA, AZ, and GA. As well as the Apollo shuttle, a space suit, and all of the awesome models of all of the shuttles ever built. After that we let the boys go on a fossil dig and do some panning for gems.



Which leads me to my next topic, Walt Disney World. In December, we had planned on taking the boys. Today showed us that they aren’t ready for all the magic yet. Big things scare them, and they are exhausted after only 1 hour. Which means there is no way they will make it through half a day in Disney. Which for the cost of park tickets we will take them to the magic kingdom when they are a little older.

Today was fun and exhausting, it’s time for a little nap before I need to cook dinner 🙂
I hope everyone who reads this has a wonderful Sunday.
